Guarding and proclaiming the unchanging truth in a changing world

Recent News

GAFCON UK warmly commends the initiative of Rev Dr Peter Sanlon and others from a number of parishes in the Home Counties to set up a ‘shadow synod’ as stated in John Bingham’s article ‘Parishes...
We note with prayerful concern the revelation that Nicholas Chamberlain, Bishop of Grantham, is in a same sex relationship. Our understanding is that the nature of his relationship conforms to the...
The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan
The Archbishop of Wales, the Rt Revd Barry Morgan, has recently claimed that 'sex properly belongs' in committed same sex relationships and that the Bible can be interpreted as supporting such...
Revd Lee McMunn
Last week AMiE, the Anglican Mission in England launched a program to plant 25 AMiE churches by 2025 and 250 by 2050. This week a new church in Scarborough is confirmed.
We acknowledge that God is the Creator of the whole cosmos and of humankind. Male and female, God created them in his own image and likeness to know him, worship him and share in his glory and love.

An open letter co-signed by over 50 evangelical leaders. The letter urges the Church of England to commit to a renewed vision, whereby all hear the good news of the Gospel, all are invited to...

Bishops Masters of the ANiC writes in response to concerns expressed by Anglican clergy and laity following the Anglican Church of Canada's General Synod last July. Bishop Masters states that ANiC...

An article announcing the dates of the GAFCON 2018 Conference in Jerusalem.

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali and a Gafcon UK leader call on the Archbishop of Canterbury to rebuke the Scottish Episcopal Church following a reading from the Koran.

Revd David McCarthy, Rector of St Thomas's, Edinburgh laments the crisis in Scotland and how the orthodox in his province have been encouraged by Gafcon.

A report from the meeting of the GAFCON Church Planting Consultative Group, which took place in Sheffield between 19th-22nd January 2017.

A response from GAFCON UK to College of Bishops report on marriage and same sex relationships.

Statement on The Episcopal Church (TEC) taking part in decision making on issues pertaining to polity and doctrine in Lusaka, thus breaking agreement made at 2016 Primates meeting.

The Diocese of South Carolina votes to affiliate with the Anglican Church in North America.

Following the Primates Council in Lagos, Nigeria, between 24th and 28th April 2017, a communiqué has been issued to Gafcon members and supporters.

Announcement of the consecration and ordination of two new missionary bishops in the Diocese of Recife, Brazil.

Today at a press conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, Archbishop Foley Beach, spoke on behalf of the Gafcon Primates Council and introduced the new Missionary Bishop.

The Scottish Anglican Network laments today's decision by the Scottish Episcopal Church to permit same-sex weddings and issues the following press statement.


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Gafcon Secretariat, Christ Church Central, The DQ Centre, Fitzwilliam Street, Sheffield  S1 4JR  United Kingdom

[email protected]