In Sydney 2019 the Primates endorsed the recommendation from the G19 Dubai conference statement to develop a 10th network to provide fellowship, advocacy and intentional prayer for the Suffering Church.
Building a global network of researchers, communicators and pastoral carers who can provide credible information to raise up:
1. Prayer and intercession
2. Advocacy
3. Fellowship and pastoral support
Leaders: Bishop Andudu Elnail and Faith McDonnell
Bishop Andudu
Bishop Andudu Adam Elnail has been the bishop of the Diocese of Kadugli Sudan for 18 years. He was consecrated in 2002 at the age of 31, making him the youngest bishop in the Anglican Communion at the time. Sudan has been going through a civil war for many years, and Bishop Andudu has been working in Peacebuilding since 2003, reconciling the conflicted tribes in the Nuba Mountains of the Sudan with support from the British Embassy in Khartoum and other organizations working for peace.
Bishop Andudu leads the church in the Diocese of Kadugli in Nuba Mountains region, which has been persecuted by the former Islamic Government of Sudan for more than thirty years. During his travels, Bishop Andudu has conducted many workshops to address stress, trauma and conflicts among the Sudanese communities, and he encourages, supports and organises the Anglican Immigrant churches in the United States.
Faith McDonnell
Faith is the new Director of Advocacy at Katartismos Global (KGI Global), a non-profit Christian organization in Manassas, Virginia USA that exists to equip the Church for mission and ministry. Previously, for 27 years, she was the International Religious Freedom Program director at the Institute on Religion and Democracy in Washington, DC. Faith was part of a coalition that created the globally observed International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. After that, she helped draft and pass the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, which, for the first time, enshrined religious freedom in U.S. law.
She has supported the persecuted church in countries such as North Korea, Middle East and South Asia, Nigeria, China, Sudan and South Sudan. She is a voice for religious freedom and human rights and has led rallies and protests around the world to raise awareness to governments.
She has published articles, a book, and has appeared on TV and radio speaking out for the suffering. She is a member of Church of the Apostles, Anglican in Fairfax, part of the Anglican Church in North America.
Find out more about Faith’s work in this interview here:
Contact: [email protected]

Interceeding for the Persecuted Church
Watch Archbishop Ben Kwashi speaking about ministering hope and following Jesus in difficult conditions at the G19 Dubai conference:
You can watch the full video here.
Recent News from the Suffering Church Network
Our Mission is to guard the unchanging, transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ and to proclaim Him to the world.