Network Statement
The purpose of the Gafcon prayer network is to encourage prayer by individual supporters, churches and intercessory prayer groups by collecting and sharing prayer information and also by providing feedback on prayer items from previous prayer diaries.
Daily Prayer
There is a daily prayer post on Facebook, Instagram and Prayermate, and updates on the Gafcon website, click here >>
Prayermate is a very useful app for organising daily prayer on your smartphone. Go to to find instructions for how to get the Prayermate app. Then ‘subscribe’ to the Gafcon feed. It is a free app and a free subscription. You can also use the QR code below.

Global Anglicans Moment & Prayer
Global Anglicans Moment & Prayer is an initiative for churches around the world so that each week they are kept up to date with news and a prayer item. Please share these in your church’s bulletins and media announcements.
Throughout Gafcon churches worldwide we are looking to build up the faithful global Communion by sharing these bulletin updates in Gafcon churches’ media announcements. We are seeking to have a Gafcon representative or advocate in each church who will be our point of contact for the Moment & Prayer items. If you are a church staff member and/or an active church member who is using the Moment & Prayer news then we would love to connect with you and email the weekly updates to you.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to find out more and be added to the group of Gafcon Church Representatives/Advocates.
Contact: [email protected]
Johnny Lockwood lives in Sheffield, England. He is married to Fiona and they have three adult sons. He is a law graduate but then had a change of direction and studied Biblical Studies with a special interest in the Bible and literary theory. He has been an RE teacher and youth leader for the past 25 years. Johnny has also worked as administrator for Reform, a network for faithful Anglicans in the Church of England. He thinks that when Reform became more organised about prayer then we saw the Lord using the Reform network more effectively.

Our Mission is to guard the unchanging, transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ and to proclaim Him to the world.