23rd September 2021
Watch the "DISCOVER: Living Word Anglican Mission of Haiti" to learn how God is at work in Haiti
20th September 2021
In Toliara Diocese in Madagascar there have been thousands of conversions this year and thirteen church plants.
17th September 2021
Gafcon Chairman and Archbishop Foley Beach writes to his Province, the Anglican Church in North America, in response to the recent Gafcon Primates Meeting.
16th September 2021
Thousands of Christians in hundreds of churches across the UK and Ireland are preparing for a focused month of mission leading up to Easter 2022.
16th September 2021
Agreement on the essentials of the faith as outlined in the Jerusalem Declaration provides a solid foundation for collaborative outreach to the world to proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations....
13th September 2021
In Mombasa Diocese, Kenya, the Bishop invited Anglican Missions Africa to run two courses, one for pastors on ‘Healthy Church’ and another for evangelists on ‘Urban Mission’.
6th September 2021
The Anglican Church is growing very fast in Toliara Diocese in southern Madagascar.
1st September 2021
"Anglicans defending against the denomination’s unsuccessful lawsuit against a departing diocese" received $4.5 million in legal fee reimbursement from The Episcopal Church (TEC) this week as...
26th August 2021
On Sunday, August 22, the Church of the Holy Spirit (Diocese of Recife, Anglican Church in Brazil) celebrated its 25th anniversary.
25th August 2021
Newly Elected Archbishop in the Anglican Church of Congo
19th August 2021
The Anglican Church in Nepal is growing fast. In twenty-one years, they have gone from having three Anglican churches to ninety-two.
11th August 2021
In the Archdeaconery of Binza, in the diocese of Goma, DR Congo, they have recently completed a portable training course for evangelists.
9th August 2021
In Nepal Covid-19 has been devastating in the last few months.
28th July 2021
On July 25, the Catedral Espírito Santo (Cathedral of the Holy Spirit) in Recife (The Anglican Church in Brazil), celebrated 'Yes Sunday' (confirmation).
27th July 2021
Bishop Julian Dobbs interviews Bishop William Love. "If I have to choose between being obedient to a general convention resolution or being obedient to the word of God, I’m going to choose to be...
26th July 2021
Gafcon Tanzania has partnered with Anglican Aid, Sydney, to build extra capacity at three Bible Colleges and in sponsoring forty students to begin their theological study this August.
19th July 2021
Bishop Andudu and Faith McDonnell reporting from the Int'l Religious Freedom Summit 2021
19th July 2021
In Myanmar the Christian Karen people are in particular danger.