Guarding and proclaiming the unchanging truth in a changing world


New translations of the chairman's letter are to be made available. In addition, Spanish and Portuguese translations of the 2016 end of year review have been created.
A letter of condolence regarding the death of Revd Dr Mike Ovey, from Arcbishop Nicholas Okoh on behalf of the Church of Nigeria.
A report from the meeting of the GAFCON Church Planting Consultative Group, which took place in Sheffield between 19th-22nd January 2017.
A response from GAFCON UK to College of Bishops report on marriage and same sex relationships.
In the first of a series of blogs on the reformation, Peter Jensen writes on the sinfulness of the human race and the danger of the soul.
Archbishop Okoh discusses the recent Church of England House of Bishop's report on marriage and same sex relationships and pays tribute to Dr Revd. Mike Ovey.
Statement on The Episcopal Church (TEC) taking part in decision making on issues pertaining to polity and doctrine in Lusaka, thus breaking agreement made at 2016 Primates meeting.
In the second in his series of blogs marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Peter Jensen reflects on a favourite bible verse - 1 Timothy 1:15.
Lorna Ashworth offers some personal reflections following the CofE General Synod, which took place between 13th - 17th February 2017.
The story of church leaders Elias and Rayito Rosales, who left the Anglican Church of Mexico, joining the ACNA, and the role of church planting movement 'Caminemos Juntos.'
Archbishop Nicholas Okoh reflects on an open letter from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the death of the Most Revd Emmanuel Kana Mani.
The Diocese of South Carolina votes to affiliate with the Anglican Church in North America.
An account of the history of the Diocese of Recife in Brazil, and how gospel renewal has taken place here in recent years.
In the first of four articles on the prosperity gospel, Revd. Ken Mbugua explains how this gospel promotes a small, and false, god.
Peter Jensen reflects on the life and work of William Tyndale, whose belief in the clarity of scripture led him to translate the Bible into English.
In the second of four articles, Revd. Ken Mbugua explains how the prosperity gospel fails to identify our greatest need.
In his April 2017 letter, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh reflects on the words of the prophet Jeremiah, and how through Gafcon an exciting future is unfolding.
In the third of four articles on the prosperity gospel, Ken Mbugua argues that the prosperity gospel empties the real, true gospel of it's power.


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Gafcon Secretariat, Christ Church Central, The DQ Centre, Fitzwilliam Street, Sheffield  S1 4JR  United Kingdom

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