Guarding and proclaiming the unchanging truth in a changing world


22nd May 2020
Barbara Gauthier is putting together the 'Lift Up Your Hearts' daily devotions throughout the series of Ascension. In this live Facebook interview she talks about the lives of the early church...
21st May 2020
Prayer: Since March, Caminemos Juntos have had online prayer gatherings every morning and every evening. Patricia Neves is one of the prayer organisers and she writes: 'There is a huge participation...
20th May 2020
The Gafcon Theological Education network has reacted quickly to develop a strategy to support affiliated colleges in this period of rapid change.
18th May 2020
In New South Wales in the 1850s, the Church of England passed control of many of its local schools to the government. In return, local clergy were guaranteed ‘right of entry’ to teach their faith to...
18th May 2020
Prayer: Tabora diocese covers a very poor region. They run a Health Centre and a Secondary School but the Covid-19 crisis has led to a financial crisis...
11th May 2020
Prayer: Youthworks have made free resources available for helping parents disciple their children ( Thank God that we can share resources in this way through the...
7th May 2020
Rev. Canon Bayo and family was attacked in their compound on Wednesday, May 5, by Militant Fulani in the state of Plateau, Nigeria.
30th April 2020
Prayer: Brazil, Recife diocese. 'Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season;' (1 Tim. 4:2) Archbishop Miguel and his wife, Juliane, report that lockdown has provided opportunities for...
30th April 2020
"Times of crisis such as we are now living through are revealing. They force us to focus on what is really important to us and it has been so encouraging to see Gafcon churches around the world...
30th April 2020
Across the Anglican Communion churches are innovating with technologies to keep the church engaged during the COVID-19 crisis.
22nd April 2020
Prayer: Nigeria. Canon Hassan John visited Ntiriku village in Kaduna state after an attack by Fulani Islamists...
22nd April 2020
The church around the world is in action despite congregations not being able to meet together due to the vast spread of the Coronavirus or Covid-19. Many churches around the world are taking the...
21st April 2020
PSJ verifies statements picked up in the media by two or more sources as well as their on the ground teams who inform them of incidences in local communities around Nigeria.
17th April 2020
Watch footage and photos from East and West Africa, Australia, North and South America and the United Kingdom.
9th April 2020
On Easter Sunday we will be live-streaming sermons from around the world so that we can celebrate together the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
8th April 2020
The Revd Canon Dr Ashley Null will be writing the 'Lift Up Your Hearts' devotion series from Easter. Watch the Facebook Live interview with him here.
3rd April 2020
Gafcon is to work with the Barnabas Fund and other agencies, including UK based Anglican International Development,  in response to the unfolding emergency as African nations brace themselves to face...
26th March 2020
On Wednesday 25th March, Archbishop Henry Ndukuba took the helm of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, as its 5th Archbishop Metropolitan and Primate in a service held at the Cathedral Church...


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Gafcon Secretariat, Christ Church Central, The DQ Centre, Fitzwilliam Street, Sheffield  S1 4JR  United Kingdom

[email protected]