Gafcon joins Africa Emergency Network
Gafcon is to work with the Barnabas Fund and other agencies, including UK based Anglican International Development, in response to the unfolding emergency as African nations brace themselves to face the twin threats of locust plagues and the crippling effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. For some countries there is also the fear that bandits and kidnappers will exploit the situation and that Islamic terror groups such as Boko Haram, Fulani Jihadists and Al-Shabaab will cause further chaos.
An Africa Emergency Committee is being formed, including Gafcon General Secretary Archbishop Ben Kwashi, to coordinate a major relief effort through the Churches, gathering vital information about needs and seeking to ensure that relief is distributed reliably and speedily.
In addition to food, there is an increasingly desperate need for items, such as soap and sanitiser gel, and many pastors have seen their income suddenly disappear as churches have to close because governments are ordering lockdowns on all gatherings.
Please pray for Africa and for this global initiative to be used powerfully by God as a means of his mercy to so many in distress.