Bishop Love Resigns
Last week on October 24, the Rt. Rev. WIlliam Love, IX Bishop of Albany, U.S.A., announced that he will resign as bishop on February 1. As reported on October 24 by the bi-weekly magazine, The Living Church, "Under the terms of an accord settled on October 21 between Love and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry [The Episcopal Church, U.S.], he will have a one-month terminal sabbatical, beginning on January 1. The hearing panel which found him guilty of violating his ordination vows also agreed to discharge all further action against the bishop."
We are disappointed that Bishop Love has found it necessary to submit his resignation. Bishop Love has clearly stated, “I strongly disagree with the Decision of the Hearing Panel, particularly their belief that I violated my ordination vows…” The Episcopal Church’s action has been taken because it has a demonstrated intent to ensure all dioceses (where civil law permits) allow for same-sex marriages. No appeal by Bishop Love will result in a different outcome. We continue to pray for Bishop Love and his family and the Diocese of Albany as it prayerfully considers his and its future.
With Bishop Love, we continue to call on the Episcopal Church to return to the supreme authority of the Holy Scriptures and to order its life and practise in obedience to God’s revealed word.
Grace and Peace,
Gafcon Secretariat