Moment & Prayer
Bible Colleges in the Southern Hemisphere are having a vacation period. Graduates from the Colleges are being deployed in various ministries.
The Gafcon Prayer Network provides daily prayer information for petition and thanksgiving from around the global Gafcon fellowship.
GAFCON IV, in Kigali, Rwanda, in April 2023, is a large international conference for faithful Anglicans.
The carols of Christmas are familiar and well loved. In varied places and situations, they are sung around our global fellowship.
The Children and Teens Center at All Saints Nairobi is almost fully operational. On Saturdays, a mentorship program has been introduced.
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund - ARDF (U.S) provided a loan for a bakery in Machakos in southern Kenya.
Rev Rinzi Lama organises a children’s Christmas party in Kathmandu, Nepal, for children from very poor backgrounds.
Anglican Missions Africa are leading a mega-mission in the Diocese of Nambale (Anglican Church of Kenya) from November 23-27.
GAFCON IV is a very large gathering of faithful Anglican leaders from around the world, meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, in April 2023.
In the Diocese of Valparaíso, the Anglican Church of Chile, they have recently had a clergy retreat, the Diocesan Synod, the licensing of lay clergy, and the ordination of deacons.
In recent months there have been successful Anglican missions in Mozambique and DR Congo, in which evangelists are trained, people turn to Christ, and churches are planted.
The Anglican Church in the Nuba Mountains in Kadugli diocese, in Sudan, is experiencing spiritual revival and church growth.
Holy Cross Theological College is an Anglican training college in Yangon, Myanmar.
The Anglican Network in Europe contains two convocations: the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE) and the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE).
The Mugumu Safe House, in Mara Diocese in the Anglican Church of Tanzania, offers safety from female genital mutilation and violence generally.
The funeral of Queen Elizabeth was viewed by millions of people around the world. It was a gospel-centred service.
The New Wineskins Global Mission Conference begins on September 22 in North Carolina, USA.
A Bishop from Karachi, the capital of Sindh province, summarised the situation: “mud houses have collapsed, animals have died, crops are ruined, families have left their villages for higher ground...