Guarding and proclaiming the unchanging truth in a changing world


Dear Subscriber,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are unable to continue the weekday Lift Up Your Heart devotionals.

It is our hope that in the future we may be able to resume providing the devotional, or at least, have a series at particular points in the Anglican Liturgical Calendar.

As you will appreciate there has been considerable time and effort involved in producing the devotionals thus far.

Much of that work has been done voluntarily and we want to thank our writers, recorders and translators for providing such a wonderful service over the course of these past months.

We continue to pray that the devotions will have caused you to regularly turn to the Scriptures and seek the counsel of our great God for your daily life.

The Lord be with you.
Archbishop Ben Kwashi
General Secretary

8th June 2021
God blessed them and said to them “Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves...
7th June 2021
In this last reflection, we look at our spiritual responsibility to walk in purity as an integral part of our witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul in Ephesians 4:17-5:17 challenges believers...
4th June 2021
Over the last three days, we have reflected on discovering our spiritual possessions and spiritual position in Christ. We note that discovering our spiritual position in Christ endows us with some...
3rd June 2021
Yesterday, we reflected on our spiritual position as believers and learned that we are seated with Christ. This means that as children of God, we are not citizens of this world; rather, we belong to...
2nd June 2021
Yesterday, we reflected on our spiritual possessions in Christ where we discovered that our spiritual riches as believers are incomparable to nothing in this world. We learned that we belong to God...
1st June 2021
It is our great pleasure at All Saints' Cathedral, Nairobi team to be part of those sharing reflections this month in the run up to the celebration of Gafcon Sunday on 27th June 2021. In our series...
31st May 2021
Quite often people misunderstand the core message of the Christian faith. To them it is not about receiving an extraordinary gift of forgiveness from the very God who has every right to exact...
28th May 2021
One of the most powerful books that I have read and return to from time to time is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. It reminds me of what walking with Jesus looks like even through the darkest of...
27th May 2021
Karma is a Buddhist or Hindu philosophy which believes that the consequences of a person’s actions in this life will influence their future existence, like cause and effect but over a long period of...
26th May 2021
Are we easily offended? Sometimes it feels like the present culture expects us to be. Culture tells us that we should be so aware of ‘our rights’ that at any point, if we deem that those rights have...
25th May 2021
Living as a disciple or committed follower of Jesus Christ is a high calling. There may still be people willing to call themselves Christians as part of a cultural or national identity, but this is...
24th May 2021
Can there ever be a downside to forgiveness? Biblically speaking, of course not. Every Christian knows what a wonderful gift forgiveness is. If you are anything like me, you’ll love to sing the hymn...
21st May 2021
Today we conclude our walk with Cranmer through Ascensiontide with the last two verses from the Comfortable Words. Having laid out the two sides - the longing of humanity for relief and the longing...
20th May 2021
We have seen that Cranmer’s new collect for the Sunday after the Ascension goes to great lengths to emphasize that the Holy Spirit brings comfort to God’s people, including the ultimate comfort, the...
19th May 2021
In his Collect for the Sunday after the Ascension, Cranmer doubled down on emphasizing the power of the Holy Spirit to bring comfort. The text of the ancient antiphon reads: Do not leave us orphans,...
18th May 2021
The Sarum Rite, the principal Latin liturgy in medieval England, did not refer to the Ascension in the collect for the following Sunday. Cranmer and his fellow compilers decided to go in a different...
17th May 2021
Is Jesus first and foremost a teacher or a savior? Did he come to tell us a better way to live, or did he come to give us a new life? Do we train our wills to do good like Jesus did, or do we need...
14th May 2021
One of the most fiercely contested issues in the history of Anglicanism is the nature of Cranmer’s mature view of Holy Communion. As the first Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury, he was the...


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