Chairman's Letter
"Beloved in Christ Jesus: Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Our world continues to be rocked by crises. Hard on the heels of the Covid -19 pandemic, which continues...
"At Pentecost we rejoice that we are indeed ‘not left as orphans’ (John 14:8), but through the crucified, risen and ascended Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us in fulfilment of God’...
"Times of crisis such as we are now living through are revealing. They force us to focus on what is really important to us and it has been so encouraging to see Gafcon churches around the world...
In his February letter to the family of global Anglicans, Archbishop Foley Beach (ACNA) focuses on the enthronement of the new Primate for Uganda on March 1st, the installation of the new Primate...
Discussion of the Church of England Evangelical Council's statement: '‘Gospel, Church & Marriage: Preserving Apostolic Faith and Life’, which affirms the BIble's teaching on marriage and...
In his October letter to the family of faithful Global Anglicans, the Chairman brings his greetings from Wittenberg and celebrates 502 years since the Reformation. He focuses on the new Church of...
In this special Advent letter, Archbishop Okoh encourages us to use this season to renew our courage, and look up and look forward.
In this month's letter, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh focuses on how the Gafcon global family can help the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, in the challenges that it faces due to the ongoing suffering...
He discusses the challenges that the churches in New Zealand face in the wake of the ACANZP's vote to bless same-sex relationships.
Archbishop Nicholas reflects on the Jerusalem 2018 conference and the final statement that came from it - 'Letter to the Churches - Gafcon Assembly 2018.'
In his June letter, Archbishop Okoh talks about GAFCON 2018 and how even those not attending have a vital role to play.
This edition of the letter discusses the great hope of the Easter message - Jesus death and resurrection and it's importance for the Gafcon movement.
In this edition, Archbishop Okoh comments on the present challenges in the Anglican Communion and how in response, a Gafcon Panel of Assistance is being established.
Archbishop Okoh looks to the year ahead, in particular the 'wonderful opportunity' afforded by the Gafcon Conference in Jerusalem, 'to take another step along the road of renewing the Anglican...